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Monday, 11 August 2014

Community Living

I was commenting to a friend recently, how fortunate I was that my grocery store, my daughter's school, my church and now even my job, are all within walking distance from where I live. I strongly believe in community living and I like to think that God intends for us to feed and be fed within the local area that we find ourselves living. I have always trusted God that when I follow His leadi as to where we should live, then I can rest assured that all my needs will be provided for locally.  So often, I find that people just look for a job or a house, prioritising on the title, without being specific on the location. And then when they find one quite far away, they complain about the traffic-jams and the amount of time it takes to commute. My advice would still be to be specific on what you are looking for, but only within a reasonable distance that you would be happy to travel to. Imagine if we all did this, how calmer and clearer the roads would be...
However, in saying that, I do accept that when a job is not available locally, then God always has a good reason in mind. Perhaps we are not even living in an area that God intended us to or maybe He wants you to move to your work area or perhaps He has a purpose in the commute that will be needed. Oftentimes when we have to commute a fair distance, it offers us the opportunity to teach us patience, tolerance and endurance. Or maybe just to have that time where we can listen to music or speak to God in prayer. Traffic jams can give us the opportunity to practise courtesy and kindness to others - something that is sadly and sorely needed in this day and age! Or perhaps if you need to travel by bus or train, that God has a person He wants you to meet, to encourage, witness to or just be friends with. 
Going back to the topic of community, we need to be more mindful of being a part of something bigger and with a real aim to become a part of it to help make it a better place to live. We need to get out there and connect with our neighbours more - going beyond just the greeting level. God places us in a community for a reason - let's all strive this coming year to discover what that is...