I've always tried to follow the bible verse in Ephesians 4:26 that I've interpreted to mean not to go to bed angry with someone. There have been times when this has been extremely difficult to do and has left me feeling like a fake, a fraud and a hypocrite. It is one thing to say you are no longer angry, but to be fully released from those feelings is another story entirely. Trying to make peace in a hurry doesn't fully resolve the issues, it just delays them. I've recently discovered that in an investigation that was done, one of the traits of a truly happy marriage IS to go to bed mad at each other, sleep on it and then resolve it in the morning, if there is still a need to. It turns out that some issues only require a good nights sleep to change your perspective about a situation.
The person was saying that in fact, it is very harmful to try and resolve issues before bedtime, when both of you are tired and grumpy. You are more likely to say things you don't mean or agree to things you shouldn't. I was relieved to hear what Psalm 4:4 says - Be angry, and do not sin. Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. I guess in order for me not to sin with my anger, I do need to sleep on it and be still...