After watching the movie August Rush recently, I was reminded of the therapeutic power in the sound of nature. Unfortunately, our lives have become so noisy with man-made sounds that we have tuned out God's medicine for calming, quietening and relaxing our minds, and restoring our peace and creativity. Walking my dog along our canal recently, I purposely switched off my headphones and listened to the natural sounds around me instead and I was blown away...
Who would have thought such diverse sounds of nature could make such a harmonious melody and that it could bring about such a sense of overwhelming peace to my soul. There were different birds chirping, ducks quacking, frogs croaking, trees rustling in the breeze, water gushing, canoeists rowing and together they made a beautiful song.
It is no wonder people buy nature sound CDs to fall asleep to. I honestly believe that when we reconnect with nature and focus on their sounds, we can tune out our worries and problems and bring peace to our minds. I encourage you to try it - close your eyes, switch off your phone and your music and allow the therapeutic sounds of nature sing peace to your soul... And if you live in the city, check out the free collections on the Internet to download!