It made me think of how I am after a huge meal at a restaurant or after Christmas lunch - so satisfied that I swear I will never eat again! A huge exaggeration of course, but the same applies to my attitude after attending a Christian conference. I become so 'full of the spirit', that I ignorantly believe I will be able to maintain that satisfied, fullness indefinitely, but the truth is that I never do. Slowly but surely, I soon become complacent and return to my usual mediocre life.
I believe that if we lived a life of always being hungry for more, we will be able to sustain our fullness of satisfaction and never be left feeling empty or unsatisfied. I am certainly not advocating a life of gluttony with food, but in terms our our spirituality, we should be constantly eager for all kinds of spiritual crumbs that we can find, scavenging for morsels of treasures, like my Coco, to keep up forever full and never lacking!