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Monday, 11 January 2021

The Last Will and New Testament of Jesus Christ - Claiming your Inheritance

(Ephesians 1:11-12)
Under the righteousness of faith and grace we, as sons and daughters of God, have inherited His promises and provision, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

As a joint heir with Jesus Christ, and adopted into God’s family and a Sonship in His Royal Kingdom, are you enjoying the riches of your inheritance?

The Bible tells us that all that belonged to Jesus is now ours, not only for when we die and go to heaven, but to be partaking of right now, today. Because of God’s grace that makes us righteous, we are the rightful beneficiaries of Jesus’s last Will and Testament (new).

Sadly, many people are not enjoying the blessings and favour of what they have already inherited because they believe their reward only comes in heaven, and that God’s grace is sufficient for now.

In Bruce Wilkinson’s ‘The Prayer of Jabez’ Devotional, there is the tragic story about Connor O’Reilly, a penniless Irishman in the last century, who was given a ticket for passage on an ocean-liner by a wealthy relative to emigrate to America. However, the relative failed to mention that the ticket included all the meals, so O’Reilly bought bread and water to eat in his room, whilst the other passengers enjoyed a delicious banquet of food in the ships dining room.

This story got me thinking of how many Christians are eating stale bread every day when God has prepared a glorious and lavish feast for us - All we have to do is claim it, taste how good it is and enjoy it. The feast was purchased for us by the blood of Jesus and includes all of the promises of God.

It is like living in the Wilderness when there is a Promised Land waiting for us to be occupied. Yet Satan robs us from possessing the land of our inheritance by keeping us ignorant of it.

As co-heir with Christ, we can share in the inheritance of Christ and everything that He possessed, which means that what belonged to Jesus now belongs to us. All of His power, His peace, His joy are what we can experience if we will just claim it as ours.

God wants you to know and experience His abundant provision in your daily lives, as your daily bread, where God’s kingdom is brought to earth, like it is in heaven.

So, if you haven’t yet claimed your earthly inheritance or are in doubt of what all that you have inherited from Christ, why not ask God to reveal this to you, so that you can start enjoying in the glorious feast He has prepared for you…