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Sunday, 5 December 2021

Christmas Love

As we prepare our hearts for Christmas this year, I was reminded about how the colour red is so significant to this festive season. The red and white outfit of Santa or Father Christmas may be what comes to mind, but for me, red is also the colour of love and the blood of Jesus, the son of our Heavenly Father.

The popular verse of John 3:16 is not often referred to at Christmas time, yet when you think about it, it is the real reason for the season – that God loved us so much that He gave us His beloved Son, so that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but be gifted with eternal life. To put it plainly, Jesus is God’s gift of love to us, and even though many may argue that He was not actually born on the 25th December, it is a day set aside for us to remember His birth and what it means to us.

So as we start to sing Christmas Carols and begin to enjoy in the spirit of the festivities over the coming month, let us ponder this miracle gift that has restored us back to God and let us consider what gift we will give Him in return this year…

Wishing you all a meaningful and joyous Christmas season, full of God's hope and peace, found in the blessings of His ‘presents’ and His presence…

I leave you with this poem I wrote as a reminder of the true reason for the season… 

Christmas is not just a happy holiday,
Or a time for festive greetings.
It’s a very special occasion indeed,
To enjoy time in family meetings.

Christmas is not about the presents,
Or when Christmas Carols are sung.
It’s a time to spend in Jesus’s presence,
And think what He’s birth has done.

Christmas is not about the feast,
Of flowing spirits and luxury food.
It’s a time to remember His birth,
And remain in a peace-filled mood.

Christmas is not about decorating a tree,
Or sending cards to all we know.
It’s about a birth that sets us free,
And for this, our joy should show.

Christmas is not a time for fuss or stress,
Rushing to find the perfect present.
We should think more of those we can bless,
And remain still in Jesus’s presence.

So set a time on Christmas morning,
To take time and thank God for Jesus.
For when Jesus is the reason for the season,
Love, hope and peace will fill your Christmas.