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Saturday, 26 February 2022
Supernatural Miracle of Time
I know that with God all things are possible, but recently I experienced God doing what would seem the impossible! Something like the story of multiplying the fish and bread, but in my case it had to do with time. I had two important deadlines for the next day but felt that there was not enough hours in the day to meet them. Although the deadlines weren’t life-threatening or anything, they were very important to me. My only solution I could see was to burn the midnight oil to get finished in time, which is what I did. Climbing into bed at 3am, I whispered a quick prayer for help, knowing that I would need to waken again at 6am. I was sure to set the alarm and resigned myself to the fact that I would probably be needing lots of coffee and a red-bull to see me through the day! Little did I know that God had heard my prayer… You see, when I woke up to the alarm buzzing, I felt completely wide-awake and totally refreshed! It was as if God had supernaturally given me my full 8 hours of sleep in the mere span of 3 hours! I know it is hard to believe, but it’s true – and if He can do this with time, I know He can do it for energy too! All He needs is a single cry for help from us, accompanied with righteous motives…
Monday, 21 February 2022
2 Keys to your Spiritual Growth
During the past two months, of what could be called a wilderness
season, I discovered that there are two areas of spiritual growth that
determines whether you are just a surviving Christian or a thriving Christian. Firstly, it is knowing your identity and who
you are in Christ, i.e., who God says you are and what you have inherited as a
child of God. And secondly, it is knowing who God is and who He says He is, by having an intimate relationship with Him.
You cannot walk in victory if you still have
the mindset of a victim and behaving in defeat. To fully discover your
identity in Christ and operate in your inheritance of what you have been
given and how God sees you, a great start is to read Ephesians 1, and on a piece of
paper, write down all the “I am” statements.
Read these as declarations to yourself every day, until you start believing them
in your heart. Acknowledging that you
are loved, chosen, redeemed etc, are the building blocks to your true identity
as a Royal Prince or Princess of our King. Once you have sealed those in your spirit, do
this for every passage of Scripture that you read, and you will discover many more
powerful “I am” statements for you to declare. Once you start believing them, you will start walking, talking and acting like God intended you to.
You cannot fully trust God if you don’t really know Him. We may know of God, and be familiar with His role in the Bible stories, but until you can fully grasp who God is as a person, and have an intimate relationships with Him, you will always lack a confident trust and belief in Him and His promises. To learn who God is and what He has promised you, you need to be reading His Word to discover this, and be open and quiet to listen to His Holy Spirit speaking to you. A helpful way I was taught, is to get A4 sized paper, and mark down in the left column A to Z, leaving a few lines in-between each letter. Then, whenever you are reading your Bible, look out for the many characteristics of God that you can find, and write them down in the corresponding first letter of that word. For example, under H, you will eventually have one of the words as ‘Holy’, and under K, you will need to write ‘Kind’.
My prayer is that you will join me on this adventure of discovering and building ourselves up in these two areas. I am confident that as we start walking in our true identity and discovering how great is our God as we grow closer in our relationship with Him and start believing it, these keys will help set us free to fly like an Eagle and excel at being a true Christian disciple.