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Thursday, 30 January 2025

Time for Change

Starting a new year is a perfect time to reflect on our current habits and traditions that are no longer serving us. A case in point is the timing of our Christmas meal. Having grown up having a Christmas Eve meal and enjoying leftovers on Christmas Day, this was familiar and traditional for me. Whereas my husband grew up either having a full Christmas day lunch or going out to a Restaurant for their meal. Because Church has always been a priority for me for Christmas Day, it seemed easier to continue with my Christmas Eve meal tradition with my family.  However, this year, we were invited to friends for their Christmas Lunch, which caused us to re-evaluate our tradition.  Discussing it with the family, we agreed it was time for a change. Going forward, we will prep the meal on Christmas Eve, and after Church, we will cook and enjoy a proper Christmas meal together, for the first time, and enjoy the leftovers on Boxing Day instead!  It is never too late to start a new tradition.

So often in life we continue doing things the same familiar way, because that’s how we have always done them, never questioning the reasons we do them.  Traditions are passed down from one generation to the next, never changing or evolving.  This year, let us take time to reflect on what areas in our lives need change, that are no longer working for us, and ask God too what He is calling us to change.

One thing I have learnt, is that if you want a different outcome, you need a different input.  In other words, without change, nothing changes. So let us stop doing the same thing the same way, just because that’s the easiest. Some things in life need to be shaken up to shift us out of our comfort zone.  We need to stop seeing change as something negative, but to embrace it for the positive impact it can have in our lives.

There are many changes God has been nudging me about, which I intend to set in motion.  Some are new, healthier choices which I will try to discipline myself with everyday until it becomes a habit. I have also chosen a friend who I have confessed my desire to change, who will be holding me accountable, which will motivate and encourage me to keep on track.

Some changes may seem difficult or even unsettling.  Yet, as Christians, we are assured that God is with us through every transition. One of the most powerful aspects of change is the way it draws us closer to God. In moments of uncertainty or struggle, we are often reminded of our dependence on Him. Change invites us to place our trust fully in God, knowing that He is always faithful.

Change isn't just for our own or our family’s benefit; but it serves a greater purpose of creating the life God desires for us. As we change things externally in our lives, we find that we too have changed inside.  A butterfly is a reminder that change can be beautiful.

So whatever changes we need to or intend to make this year, let us embrace them and push through every challenge to see them become a reality.  Let 2025 be a time for change— a year to let God renew us, transform us, and use us for His purposes. Let us trust God as we step boldly into the new and different things He has in store for us, as we obediently, and with discipline, make the necessary changes needed in our lives.  So that when 2026 comes about, we can look back with pride of what we have accomplished through change…