Sunday 5 January 2014

Storms of Life

As I read and hear about the horrendous storms battering my ex-home town in Scotland, I am reminded about the spiritual lessons that storms can teach us. Personally, as I sit here enjoying the calming sunshine of sunny Cape Town, it feels like I too am experiencing my own sort of storm - not the physical weather kind, but more in a spiritual sense.  I feel myself battered by the gales of disappointments and discouragement, wondering how much more I can withstand. The hail stones of challenges and obstacles are coming against me in all directions, and I too, like the fishermen of Bible days, find myself wondering why God has forsaken me.  I know He hasn't, but it sure feels like it at times!  Two months on, and we are still without a tenant, our house being succumbed by its own storm damage, our boxes not even having left Scotland yet, and our attempts at buying a car met with one 'sold' after another! It is difficult to trust God in lifes storms when nothing is making sense, but I take my encouragement from the fact that no matter how fierce the storm, they do always come to an end; seasons do always change and if I just keep myself anchored in my trusting faith in a God who controls all things, I can wait it out in safety, hopefully without too much damage...