Monday 31 July 2017

No Sinking Ship

My Pastor recently used an anology in his sermon that really spoke volumes to me. He said we and the church were like ships floating along in the span of a worldly sea. We won't sink unless we take on too much of the worldly sea water. 

We need to be anchoring our ship onto the Rock, namely Jesus Christ, to keep us steady and firm when the worldly seas become rough and stormy. 

As long as we have our lives-vested (life vests) in the Word of God, we will always remain safe and secure.  No matter what is going on in the waters around us or in our ship, we can still sleep calmly, knowing that God controls the tides and can still every storm. We can live our lives raised above the worldly waters, never afraid of sinking, as long as our ships foundation is solid and without any holes...  A ship that is damaged needs to be repaired and healed in order not to sink.