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Saturday, 6 October 2012

Laughter is My Sunshine

Living in Scotland, where most days are either grey, raining or both, and having grown up in sunny South Africa, I discovered an amazing sunshine replacement. God showed me that grey days had the power to turn my mood grey too, if I let it. The trick He showed me to resist that happening was through laughter and finding joyful things to distract me from the weather. I discovered that laughter had the power to make the most dreadful day more bearable and somehow kept me from focusing on it. Every time I laughed, my mood naturally lifted and I became less depressed about the weather. It genuinely became my sunshine replacement and helped me through many a grey day. The Bible teaches us that laughter is God’s medicine and indeed it is. It is so powerful to reduce our pain, melt away our hopelessness and gives us an inner effervescent joy! So next time the weather tries to get you down, seek out something funny – a book, a movie or even a joke and get laughing – the deep, down belly laugh that leaves you with hic-cups!!
On a last note, I also learnt from my innocent child that there is no bad weather, just inappropriate clothing!

Here is a poem I wrote to share my feelings...







 Laughter is my sunshine,
It keeps me warm and sane.
It makes my life more bearable,
Even when it rains.

So when the sky is grey and dull,
I use laughter to tan my life.
It readjusts my focus,
And irons out all my strife.

Its power lightens up my mood.
It’s the silver lining in my cloud.
I don’t know why or how it works,
But it’s the best anti-depressant around!

So I suggest you follow my lead,
And use laughter to brighten your soul.
Find things that make you laugh,
To take back your mind’s control.

Don’t allow the grey weather,
To darken up your mind.
Just use laughter as your rainbow,
To bring colours to your inside.

Let it shine away the cobwebs,
Let it melt away your pain.
When you laugh as if no one’s watching.
There’s an inner joy you’ll gain.

So whatever makes you laugh,
Whatever makes you smile.
Seek out these things and you will find,
A life much more worthwhile!

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