Lisa Laizure from in her series Life is a Battle, explains how we can live everyday in the Promised Land. It's all about changing our focus back to God and making everything about Him. No more whining or having a me, me, me pity party when things don't go our way. It means seeking God before making every decision, regardless of how trivial. It means staying in a 24/7 constant commune with the Holy Spirit and Jesus, in prayer and through our words, thoughts and actions. When we allow God to use us as His hands, feet and voice, then we will find ourselves being able to stay calmer, remain more at peace and be filled with love for our fellow neighbours.
The more we remain in this constant fellowship with God, the more inclined we will loose our selfish, judgemental, prideful ways.
When we begin to accept that God is in full control of our lives, and that every trial or crisis we confront, is either a test or a lesson, then we can fully submit to it and stop struggling to control, fix or remove it from our lives.
We need to start taking possession of our Promised Land, where we are living with the inheritance that is ours - an abundant life, flowing with milk and honey. All it takes is a shift in our focus and making our lives all about God.
So true Samantha! When I place my utter trust in God, everything works out for the best. There is no fear when he is near.