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Thursday, 22 August 2019

Preparing for Life's Storms

Just like in the natural, when we are given a warning of an approaching storm, there are certain measures we need to take in order to be secure, whether it is boarding up your windows or securing your outside furniture, or just to remain inside.  Unfortunately, with the climate change crisis and the effects of El Nino, storms often strike when we are least expecting them, or with little warning. That's why it is always important to be fully prepared for a storm, BEFORE they happen, when everything is still calm and we have the time to plan for it.

This is even more important when it comes to our spiritual lives. Life will not always be plain sailing and we must be prepared for head winds and rough seas ahead.  In order for us to maintain an unwavering faith and not have a 'faith wobble' at every crisis, we need to keep ourselves anchored in the hope of Jesus and keep practicing our coping tools. Your faith and hope go together - without the one, the other will always tend to 'leak' out.  To use the analogy of flight, faith is the runway from which your hope takes flight.  You need a solid foundation of faith in order for your hope to remain steady when you are hit by a storm.  To achieve this, your faith needs to be based on WHO God is, and not what He can DO, otherwise when bad things happen that you don't understand, you will not survive the storm well.

The only way to learn who God is, is to spend time with Him.  We need to be reading His word, the Bible, daily and speaking to Him through prayer.  When we are undistracted and open to hearing the Holy Spirit, we give God the opportunity to give us a personal revelation of Himself.  We also need to take time to write down our answered prayers, so we can remember them when we are faced with a lack of trust, faith or have doubts and need a breakthrough.  

In other words, we need to already have a game plan in place and have all the necessary survival tools at the ready, BEFORE the storms come, so that we can be prepared for them and get through them unscathed. Knowing our weaknesses and trigger points will help us to be better prepared and not fear the storms of life.

(Based on 'Unwavering Faith' Sermon by Robert de Jongh - Shofar Church, Century City, Cape Town)

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