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Monday, 18 May 2020

Be Still and Wait Well

Whilst we continue to wait in limbo, not knowing when our challenging lockdown restriction will end, we can either grumble and complain, or we can choose to have faith and trust blindly as we wait. It may not make sense, and we definitely don't need to like it, but it is what it is...

There is a lot in the media suggesting conspiracy theories and political sabotage, but whatever the truth is, we still need to do what we have been told to, even if it makes no sense or logic.  If we truly believe that God is in control of everything, then we can also trust that our President was elected by His authority, and God instructs us to honour and obey Him, even when we disagree.

Having faith is to be truly convinced in what we believe and in knowing that our future is secure in God's hands.  We don't need to know when the lockdown will end. All we need to do is to take one day at a time and choose and decide to wait well.

Instead of focusing on what freedoms we have lost or argue about what is and isn't an essential service or product, or what enjoyment or vice has been banned, we can instead give a thought to what this lockdown is teaching us.  

For me, my heart is filled with hope at the positive changes that have come about as a result of this pandemic and lockdown. As I share some of these below, may they resonate with you and encourage your heart with hope:-

  • I see strangers in need of human connection, who are so much more friendly towards each other. 
  • I see neighbours reaching out and caring for each another. 
  • I see shoppers more patient to stand in long queues, without complaining.
  • I see people who have never given a thought to the poor before, respond generously to the great need in our communities.
  • I see churches living out their faith amongst each other, instead of inside a building.
  • I am learning body language by identifying a smile behind a mask.
  • My relationships with my husband and daughter are being refined, through our constant intimacy. Like being thrown into a pressure cooker, the steam is softening our hearts and making us more tender hearted. 
  • I am learning to find contentment and approval from God and nature, instead of from people. 
  • I have marvelled at everyone's colourful and creative handmade masks. 
  • I have discovered empathy for Muslim women who are forced to wear burkas and with doctors who need to wear masks during long surgeries. 

So today, I challenge you to change your perspective and to be still, knowing that God is carrying us through these difficult and uncomfortable times, and using it to change and mould our hearts.  There is great strength in remaining hopeful and history has taught us that no matter how bleak things may seem, this too shall pass... 

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