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Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Trash to Treasure

I love living in my complex at month end, especially one with such a well utilised, effective recycling area. The end of April saw the delight of another great find at the ‘Pre-loved’ corner in our bin area, where I got to rummage amongst a huge box of books. In God’s gracious, amazing goodness, there were even books on writing, as well as a Christian devotional, which you could say, had my name on them!  I also claimed a bag full of brand-new gift bags, which now just needs gifts to fill them. Previous treasures have included plants, Tupperware’s, magazines, scarfs and even fancy boxes.

I have always been perplexed at what a throwaway society we have become, and although I wouldn’t quite call myself a dumpster diver, I must confess I get very excited to see what treats have been left aside at month end or when residents clear out or move out.

It has made me reflect on how sometimes our dreams can be someone else’s nightmare.  Whilst one person may be praying for a spouse, someone may be wishing they were single again.  Likewise, someone is longingly broody for a child, whilst another may not quite enjoy being a parent.  I realise this is quite extreme cases, and not as superficial as ‘trash’, but it makes the point that what one person throws away, another is delighted to receive.

The key is all in our perspective of what makes something truly valuable.  Although I applaud the actions of residents moving out to gift their unwanted belongings to someone else, I have to wonder on what value they placed on the items in the first place. To throw away anything would imply that it is unwanted ‘trash’, but to someone else it could be regarded as a quite a treasured treat.

I leave you with the thought that whatever you don’t want, someone else might love, so learn to be grateful with appreciation of what God has blessed you with. Value what you have, sell or gift what you no longer need and please continue to recycle…

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